Thursday, October 25, 2007

Here's another thing that I've already started to use at home and work. This is an excellent and quick way to store and sort bookmarks. I've already tagged a bunch of sites and added them to my list. I'm yet to explore the notes part in detail, but I can see how helpful it would be to a student wrtiting and researching an assignment.It seems that you could go into a lot of detail with tagging.Yet another thing I will have to come back to and explore in full.I'm going to be busy.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Had a play with Rollyo.It is a bit like a more advanced google. You can search many sites at the same time. I found it to be very user friendly. Once again, I think its something I could go back and spend some time personalisng. I think it could be a really good time saving device.I think that it'll be a handy tool for Libraries in the future. Customers could search all our online rescources for the topic/item that interests them at once.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Library Thing

I really enjoyed having a look around Library Thing. I've always thought that there should be more book review/recommendation sites on the net (I'm sure there are many more than I know of). Finally found something that I could see myself using on a regular basis. Gee, thanks learning 2.0.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Image generators

I've been having a play with some of the suggested image generators and I hate to be cynical, but I really don't see much practical use in that stuff. I geuss its fun, but I'm not really interested in it. The internet seems to be awash with that sort of frivolous distraction. Having had my grumpy rant, I'm happy to say I went to the blues name generator and discovered what my name would be if I was an aged blues musician (see my links list). Its "Washboard" James Woodlock! I'd appreacite people calling me by that name from now on.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I've been playing around with feedfinders over the last few days. I found, like everything, that they have some good and bad things about them. On Feedster I found that, like google, it has advertised sites that they give preference to. I found that a bit counterproductive.I thought that it should be about the best information availabe...but I geuss it's about money too.

I guess these tools are best used when you have a specific subject you want to follow. Having time restraints tended to hinder my searches. I found very few feeds when I searched one of my favorite authours, Johnathan Franzen, but I found plenty (of course) when I searched "Australian election".

I went to the ALIA conference last week and one of the speakers mentioned Yahoo Pipes. I had a look at that and it seems to do the same things as the sites suggested in this course but perhaps is a little more indepth, and prehaps more, err, difficult.

I think I need more time to look at all these new tools!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

RSS Feeds

I've just finished downlaoding a bunch of RSS feeds into my bloglines account. I must say that I was suprised at how handy a tool it is. Being able to filter all of the useless information that curculates on the web will be great I think.

I haven't spent enough time with it to have any insights into how it would impact upon the library industry, but I'm sure we'll see a change in the way people, and staff, source and sort information. I think its a good time saving device, and prehaps when I've presonalised it a bit more I'll be able to know if it supplys the information I'm interseted in quickly and succinctly.

Monday, October 8, 2007


Well I'm running a bit behind here in my learning so I'm going to zip through my little tech talk piece.
I'm amazed at how much we rely on our computers these days. A few months ago my home computer went caput, and I was suprised at how much I missed it.
I geuss that here at work we would be in big trouble if the computers went down. Everything revolves around them, and for the next generation they will probably be even more central to their lives. I wonder what sort of genetic modifications (above) will come about because of this!!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

A very ugly card

My creation
Originally uploaded by leo.mullins
Today I have been playing around on trading card maker, and managed to create this very ugly card (except for the baby, of course).
I also created a blog header, but decided at the last minute that it was a bit much, so I deleted it. Enough for today!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

First post off the blocks

Here's my first post for the Learning 2.0 course. I've chosen the very unimaginative title of Leo Learning 2.0 for my blog name. Hopefully some better ideas will come to me as the course progresses.